DSP Integration Guide

The DSP integration process consists of 2 stages:

  1. DSP Endpoint Setup
  2. OpenRTB Campaign Setup

1. DSP Endpoint Setup

In order to integrate a DSP via OpenRTB, please follow the steps described below. Click RTB ENDPOINTS in the admin panel, select DSP and click Add DSP Endpoint to start. After that you will see a new window opened. All the obligatory fields are marked with *.

StatusSelect Active status if you want this unit to be set live when it is created. Select Inactive status if you want this unit to be paused when it is created.NameIt is a name of your DSP. It will not be visible in the UI.UI NameIt is a name of your DSP which will be visible in the UI.ChannelIt is a channel of traffic you’d like to send to a DSP. Three types are available: Native, Video and Display.

OrganizationPlease select your organization.Response TimeResponse Time is inserted in milliseconds. It is the time during which a DSP should respond to a request. Maximum response time is 75 milliseconds.Endpoint URLIt is an URL given by a DSP for implementation.Users Sync URL
User Sync URL should be provided by a DSP and added to the corresponding field.

Users Sync URL Options
You can set Users Sync URL Options by clicking Edit.

The window below will appear after that.

User TTL Days
You can specify the number of days for a user to be stored in a segment.
Redirect Sync ToThis URL is automatically generated in the UI. It can be issued to a DSP so that it could redirect the users from User Sync URL to Redirect Sync To URL.Sync Pixel
This pixel is automatically generated in the UI. It can be issued to a DSP so that it could implement it on its side to redirect the users from User Sync URL.
Click Save after changes are made.ExchangeTick checkbox "Enabled" if you would like to share the DSP with other white label owners.After that click Save DSP Endpoint.

2. OpenRTB Campaign Setup

After a DSP is set up, you can create a campaign to send traffic to it. For that go to Campaigns Tab -> New Campaign.

When all the necessary fields are completed at the first step (Campaign Form), click Next Step.

At the third step you need to create a new Ad Set.

You can see the form for Ad Set creation in the window opened.Please select Open RTB Ad Set Type to be able to send traffic to a DSP.

After all the necessary fields are filled in, you can click Next Step.At the second step of the Ad Set creation SSPs should be selected (the supply partners that will send traffic to the DSP). To choose specific supply sources, untick Run on all Open Supply sources checkbox.

In the left column you can select an SSP and add it to the right column by selecting it and clicking on Add.Please do not forget to click Save Ad Set.The next step is Targeting where you can set Location, Carriers, Contextual and other targetings.

The last step is Demand where you will be able to choose the DSP you have already created. Click on it and add it from the left column to the right.

Click Save Ad Set to finish.

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