SSP Integration Guide

The SSP integration process consists of 3 stages:

  1. Issuing an Endpoint An SSP is created in the UI and an endpoint is automatically generated. This endpoint should be sent to an SSP for implementation.
  2. Test Campaign Setup A test campaign is mapped to the endpoint. After an SSP starts sending requests and a test campaign runs for a day or two, you can compare the stats on their and your side to make sure the data match (impressions, publisher revenue). By default the timezone of the reports is UTC.
  3. Production Mode If the stats match on both sides, endpoint can be switched to a production phase, and live campaigns can be added to it. OpenRTB specification for SSP integration can be found here. We support OpenRTB 2.5 (and prior versions).

1. Issuing an Endpoint

To add a new SSP, please follow the steps below:a) go to RTB Endpoints Tab in your admin panel and click on " Add SSP Endpoint" button

b) fill in all the required fields

Choose Active if you'd like the SSP to be able to send requests and be visible in the UI, Inactive - if you'd like to pause requests from the SSP or hide it in the UI.
UI Name
Name of the SSP that will be displayed in the UI.
Name of the SSP the endpoint will be based on.
Production phase is used after a test is over in order to add live demand to the ednpoint.
Test phase is used to run a test with an SSP (for stats comparison).

Please make sure to start with a Test Phase to compare your and SSP's stats before you switch an endpoint to production.

Integration Type
Select an Integration Type in accordance with the way the traffic is sent (in case of SSP integrations it should be set to OpenRTB API).

Choose Native, Video or Display channel based on the inventory type the SSP provides to you. You may also choose these traffic types in any combination (display and native, display and native and video, etc.) to be able to target the SSP in your display/ native/ video campaigns later respectively.

SSP Email
This field is not obligatory, but you may specify the email address the daily stats SSP reports should be sent to. Alternatively, you may issue API Reporting URL for stats comparison. This URL is available in Reporting URL field.
Creative Approval Vendors
You can choose different Approval Vendors (e.g., The Media Trust). It means that your creatives can run on this SSP only when they are approved by the selected Vendors. This field is optional.

The URL the SSP should send requests to, e.g.: (it is generated automatically).
Impressions Count
SSPs may track impressions either by NURL or ADM. You may choose the method used by the SSP in this field.

Users Sync URL (this field should be disregarded)
User Sync Option(this field should be disregarded)
SSP Click Macro(this fieldshouldbe disregarded)
Blacklist(this field should be disregarded)
Reporting URL
Reporting URL stands for an API URL that can be sent to an SSP for stats comparison (requests, bids, impressions, publisher revenue).

In order to generate the API URL, click on " Click here" button.
c) click Save SSP Endpoint.

2. Test Campaign Setup

After an endpoint is created, a test campaign should be mapped to it:
a) go to Campaigns tab and click "New Campaign" button

b) fill in all the required fields
Set up a campaign in a Test Phase for a test with an SSP. Please note that you will see the SSPs that are created in a test phase in a campaign that is created in a test phase. Respectively, if a campaign is switched to a production phase, the SSPs created in a test phase won't be visible in it (you should switch the SSP phase in RTB Integrations tab to production as well to be able to target it in your campaign in a production phase).

The image below shows how a test phase should be set in a campaign:

c) click Next Step
d) go to Ad Sets tab and add an ad set to your campaign by clicking on " New Ad Set" button:


e) choose "Media Buying" ad set type and fill in other fields:

f) choose the SSP you'd like to run a test with in Supply tab:

g) add the targeting to the ad set (location, devices, etc. (if needed)) and creatives (Ads tab). After that click " Save" to save your ad set.

3. Production Mode

If there is no discrepancy between the stats recorded on your and SSP side, you can switch its endpoint from Test to Production by editing this SSP in RTB Endpoints tab. This means live demand can be added to the endpoint (if you already have active campaigns targeting the SSP you have just integrated).

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