The XML API feed implementation

The XML API feed implementation reference has been designed to make ad integration with the websites and ad networks as simple as possible.

Request URL:

Example request: (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 1083) AppleWebKit/537.31 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/26.0.1410.65 Safari/537.31 &ip=

Making a Request: Replace the above parameters with valid user request details and perform a GET request.

Request parameters: The XML Request should contain the parameters listed below:

Parameter Type Description
endpoint String Corresponds to the type of traffic sent to the feed. NOTE: The endpoint is issued by the system automatically. No changes are needed.
pubid Numeric Integer value representing your account id number.
subid String Sub affiliate id to track traffic sub sources / sub affiliates.
feedid Numeric Integer value representing your feed id (site id) number.
ip String Actual IP address of the USER. NOTE: This is not the IP address of the server making the request. Format: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXXObtain from REMOTE_ADDR
q String (URL encoded) Query keyword requested by the USER.
num Numeric Number of ads returned by the feed. Default: 10
ref String (URL encoded) Full URL of the page where the ads are being displayed. NOTE: Should be exactly the same as the USER's click referer.URL-encoded.
useragent String (URL encoded) Useragent from HTTP header of the USER. Obtain from USER-AGENT
lang String Accepted USER languages. Obtain from HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE
iab_category Numeric Integer value representing IAB category of your traffic if applicable. Non-obligatory parameter

Example response:

<![CDATA[ Test Ad Title ]]>

0.01 ]]>

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